How to travel for less

August 30, 2017

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Is the high cost of travel preventing you from seeing the world? With some adjustments, the price of traveling abroad can be much cheaper than you can imagine.  One common practice among young backpackers and more experienced travelers alike is traveling the world on a small budget. There are so many diverse ways to cut down your spending without compromising your travel experience.

Many people find budget traveling preferable compared to luxury travel because of its way of bringing you closer to the local culture. Unlike hopping on a Mediterranean cruise ship or staying at a fancy resort, traveling cheaply and independently can put you in contact with the day-to-day activities of millions of people around the globe.

Below are some of the biggest ways to travel for less than you think and still having an amazing experience.

Location Matters

The simplest way to travel longer or more comfortably for very little cost, is to travel some place where your money stretches further. In Western Europe, Five thousand dollars might allow you to backpack for few weeks but that is not enough to survive for months in Vietnam or Thailand.

Be aware of the parts of the world that offers the most for your money as you plan your trip. Think, South East Asia instead of Australia, Central America instead of South America and Eastern Europe instead of Western Europe. The pricing in some parts of the world can differ by season, and then traveling during the off-season period can make an unaffordable site more obtainable.

Overnight Buses, Planes, and Trains 

No matter where you are travelling to, one of your biggest costs implications would be transportation. There are a number of things you can try to do to keep these costs minimal. The first thing to do is to cut flight costs by booking when there is  low-demand  and making use of a search aggregator like Kayak to discover diverse websites that offer the best airfare. You can also look at overland means of transportation like buses, boats, and trains, which unlike flying are less costly.

Since transportation costs consumes not just money, but also eats up time, plan an itinerary where you spend more time in each destination and move less. If you are always on the move, your costs implication will be higher and your trip more tedious than if you spend quality time in each places you go. Why not consider making a major city your focus and taking day trips from there.

Sleeping Cheap

Hostels are not terrifying murder dens forget the scary movies you may have watched. They’re actually superb, less expensive place to lay your head. Think of it as not just a place to stay, but as an instant social environment where you have direct access into new cultures. Other cheap options to expensive hotels include couch-surfing, renting a short-term apartment and house sitting or join a membership club.


If you’re traveling a country like Asia or Mexico with great street food  you’re in serious luck, as you can surely have an amazing food for less than a couple of dollars. If you are the type that street food is not an option, look for local fast food bakeries, chains, and small family owned restaurants. Another option is to pay a visit to the grocery store and select a picnic of local foods for your taste.

Cheap Entertainment

Some major tourist sites can cost a lot to enter (though some are worth it), there are also free and inexpensive ways to tour a new city. Talk to people, Wander aimlessly, try new foods and make new friends. Make time to explore local neighborhoods, relax in public parks, or you can poke around smaller churches and museum. Who knows what you might discover.

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