List Your Business

We bring our millions of members directly to your business through your custom Hotels Etc. offer, and our research tells us that they will keep coming back to you for more! We will help promote your business to our vast network:

  • Our Millions of Hotels Etc. members around the globe.

  • New Customers that you probably would  not have reached out to otherwise

  • Promotions in front of hundreds of thousands of social media followers

  • Help your profits SKYROCKET with brand new customers!


Other great benefits of working with Hotels Etc. are:

  • Risk free

  • Online promotion of your product on

  • New customers are your customers for life

  • Access to over 4 million members around the globe

  • Participation in the largest club of its kind in the world

You will have the option to upload custom coupons that our members can print and bring into your establishment, but please note that it can't be the same coupon that is available in your local paper or publicly online.

Create internal links or codes to promote your discount. It is important that your discount be greater than what is offered to the public. Failure to do so will result in your company's removal from our discount network.
All submissions are carefully considered based on the discount offered. 

Work with us and let us help build your profits.

Complete the form below and the very next page you can submit your business info. If it falls within our guidelines, it will be approved and we will make your offer available to our members. If you have any questions please contact our office at 1-877-967-7283